-A window ajar is a prelude in building to the joy of being limitless! That uneasiness of being familiar somehow, sometime, somewhere.......

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Gravitas and Hosannas....

Amongst other things , of late , Ive been described as the direct product of the high functioning inherent obsession and the absolute anarchy which supports no form of feasible life.
One evidence to support the former is how I classify my favourite online bookmarks.
The latter, needless to say is not quite simple to form a blog entry. So here goes one of my eternal obsessions i.e to classify everything.


Academia and Academia dua : All things to do with bread, butter, bed and more. From Uni gossip to recent policy guidelines. Subdivided into European American Asian and Pacific.
Art ministry : All the causes and consequences of art and things related to art, pigments epitaph, de novo.
Backpack: Everything to deal with travelling- from the road maps, tube, travels, hotels, flights etal…
Binah: From the Kabbalah means Understanding- original, creative, meta-observations, formulations and hypothesis about anything or nothing!
Bon appetit : Culinary n gastronomic excursions- restaurants, cocktails, recipes…
Brickdom: All important sites dealing with the structure forms and evolution of architecture n other related storeys.
Constant cocktails: Frequently visited sites, e.g. wikipedia , dictionary etc.
Day2day: Stuff about contemporary urban post-modern routine- local libraries, Bills, blimey n blahs...
Department H: All history related sites reside here.
Entlany: From entertainment + miscellany- Show schedules, Shopping, online purchases - Argos, eBay, ticketmaster suchlikes...
Estate four: Obviously the media- again sub classified into print, electronic, visual Independent, Favourites(Columns, threads..)
Flats n sharps: All that is music related- radio stations, band sites, lyrics, downloads….
First love: Anything that holds the interest in the first visit shall be listed here, later either reclassified or sent to recycled bean based on utility.
Forschung: German for research - Topics currently researched online.
Inkspill : Sites about writing and literature. Writer sites, e-books, poetry sites, forums, et al….
Language et al: Obviously about languages, including origins, etymology, slang.

Links: All gadget & software links like Tom Tom Applestore etc, Think would do with some renaming.

Mails: Self explanatory.

Philosophique central: All useful philosophy arguments and counter arguments, discussion forums, trivia, including pertinent humour.

Popcorn papers: Movies grand hub! , reviews, discussions, forums, trivia and others .Again European, American, Asian.

Quarter smile blogs: Famous international and syndicate blogs - guardian culture vulture, znetmag etc.
Recycled bean: Recent urls step stored here before deletion.

Shuttersmith : Stuff about photography, personal n otherwise , tips, techniques and suchlike to further the clicking skills. Flickr, good-tutorials etc.

Two regular please: Regularly visited sites, blogs etc.

Upgrade your software: Software upgrades . Whatelse?

Cha: Sanskrit means and , to signify the old n boring category miscellany - includes rest of the universe like Sudoku , Oxfam, blah this n that.

PS: Many a thanks for those who have written to me here n over the mail. Was away and of late been manic jaunting all over. This being a brief lucid interval, shall try writing anything worthy from the million floods inside before the next wave.



Lg said...

Impressive! {a deep bow}

Ubermensch said...

ennamma neee bow bow annittu.
Bowbow2u2 Thanks.

trust me its a dangerous habit.
Cha is my favourite word in sanskrit.No syllable in the world can ever match it.

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