-A window ajar is a prelude in building to the joy of being limitless! That uneasiness of being familiar somehow, sometime, somewhere.......

Thursday, July 17, 2008


After months of deliberations, laziness, and arcane interventions of the postmodern universe finally moving here. A million thanks to all those who lent a helpful hand despite pulled everywhere by commitments, esp. V. Still a lot has to be built, but the basics has been done, and, as I wanted.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Where the Mountains meet the Sea...

One of the most significant things about Barrow-in-Furness is that only the most hapless, dazed orienteer could possibly visit by accident- you have to have a purpose to get there. I had just such a purpose. The purpose was Barrow.

~Pies and Prejudice, Stuart Maconie

Barrow and Piel at the far tip on your left.

Ever since I read that book last year I have been yearning to visit this dreamy intrigue of a place at the far tip of the Cumbrian Coast. But somehow, as in the times we live in, it didnt happen. Only until now.

They said no one goes to Barrow. Well, I did.

Here's the shot of the legendary Piel Castle.

And the story .

And the Aerial view of the Island by Simon Ledingham.

PS Next would be Robin Hood's Bay , but that has to go with the Coast-to-Coast, I suppose.

Friday, July 11, 2008

But, Ladies and Gentlemen

dah di-dit dah-dah dit

Di-dit di-di-dit

Dah-dah dah-dah-dah dah-dit dit dah-di-dah-dah

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Best in Business

Mysore Palace (click for larger view), Perhaps the best palace in the world.
Mysore, South India.

First Picture: Courtesy Amith, Thanks.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Truths and Gods

To become a writer, that noble thing, I had thought it necessary to leave. Actually to write. It was necessary to go back. It was the beginning of self knowledge.

VS Naipaul

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Indian Colours

It is impossible to express India's particular beauty in black-and-white. Black-and-white might be a good medium to convey Europe's fear and alienation, but colour is natural for an Indian, and more appropriate for the extraordinary diversity of India. Unlike European art, Indian art did not have the tradition of independent black-and-white sketches and drawing. If any line drawings were made, they were for being filled out in colour. Colour is the fountain of India. Colour is the basis of the entire rasa theory, that governs Indian painting, dance, music, and literature.

~Raghubir Singh

Snap: Women section at the Flag Lowering Ceremony, Wagah, India-Pakistan Border, 2006

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Mylapore Kaapi and heavenly heavenly pongal

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